Monday, 10 February 2020

Fake News by Aadithyajaan, Class VIII


Sometimes, we get some stories, news or photographs through social media which may sound too good to be true. As the number of fake news and misinformation spreading through the social media and internet it is important to identify such fake news and to avoid them.

How can we identify fake news?

If a news item is true it will have the information of the news media that made it. If it does not have any information to identify the source of the news, it may be fake.

If the news is true, that will be reported on the newspapers and news channels too. Did you find any news on this item in question?

Is it a positive news or is something that have a harmful intent? If the news is something that speaks bad of something or someone avoid it.

Also you may find most of the fake news stories, use all capital letters or most letters in capitals. You may also find spelling and grammatical errors.

Whether true or false, don't spread hate speeches, violent videos and other such content to anyone. When you get something like that just delete it.

Try this Fake News game

You can visit the following sites to check for facts


Google Fact Check Tools

Hoax Slayer

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